About Kin
The Kelowna Kinsmen club was chartered in 1944, and has been proudly
“Serving our Community’s Greatest Needs” ever since.
Several prominent community projects over the decades have included:
Kin Waterfront Park (Abbott Street at the end of Wardlaw Ave)
Parkinson Recreation Centre (Indoor Pool)
Rutland Kinsmen Youth Centre (Boys & Girls Club)
Kinsmen Softball Complex (Mission Sports Fields)
Kinsmen Fieldhouse & Kid’s Play Land (Mission Sports Fields)
Restoration of KVR Trestle #11 (Myra Canyon Rail Trail)
Founding Patron of Mission Creek Greenway (Kin Kid's Playland)
Fund-raised for the "Blue Room"in Memorial Arena (currently: Okanagan Military Museum)
…and so much more!
The Kelowna Kinsmen is a co-ed club within Kin Canada, the only All-Canadian Service Organization (celebrating 102 years in 2022).
We join thousands of other like-minded Kin around the country in Having FUN while we raise FUNDS for much needed projects that each club deems most needed in their communities.
We all contribute to District and National projects as well, including our 48+ year partnership with Cystic Fibrosis Canada and the Kinsmen Foundation in BC (60+ years).
We have decades of experience in personal development in our members and mentor today’s and tomorrow’s community leaders.
We do all this while having fun, making new life-long friendships and learning new desirable skills. Meet interesting community contacts, and give back to your community in a positive way.
Have a say in where it’s needed the most.
About our club and Kin Canada.
"Serving the Community's Greatest Needs"
Volunteer members impacting
Canadian communities through
service, leadership, fellowship
and personal development.
Serving the Community's
Greatest Needs
General meetings are held on the:
1st and 3rd Thursdays each month (Sept – June).
Generally, meetings are held at our clubhouse:
The Kelowna Kinsmen Fieldhouse,
located in the Mission Sports Fields on Lexington Drive.
Occasionally, meetings may be held
at an alternate locations, so please
contact us if you are planning to attend.
Kinsmen Mixed
Slo-Pitch League(s)
One of our major projects each year is running our Kelowna Kinsmen Mixed
Slo-Pitch Leagues each year (20+ years) at the Kelowna Kinsmen Softball Complex every Wednesday and Thursday night during the Spring and Summer Season. We wrap it up with a 3 day tournament on the 2nd weekend of September each year.
Kelowna Kinsmen History

We are a community minded Service Club.
Our fundraising efforts are put directly back into the community in meaningful ways.
We are a co-ed group, organizing fun, creative fundraising projects to learn new skills, make new friends and have a say in how we give back to our community.
New members always welcome.
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